Ossola Sport

Irena Ossola – Dedication and Determination

Cycling in Tucson, Arizona!

Since November 17th I’ve been in the USA!! First I arrived in Santa Fe, NM, and spent about a week and a half there for Thanksgiving and going to doctor’s appointments and getting everything settled so I could come to Tucson.

The past week I’ve been in Tucson, AZ and feeling the luxury of cycling paradise. It’s about 50-70 degrees on each ride and I’m enjoying the warmer weather so much. I’ll go back to Santa Fe next week for more doctor’s appointments and for Christmas. I’ll have my final dental work for putting crowns on my teeth by Dentistry for Kids, which is an amazing group and they have done so much for me during this time. I’ll have a minor face surgery and to reduce the scar on my arm. And more therapy on my hand, oh and with friends and family for the Christmas holiday. It will be nice to be back with family and friends again, I love Santa Fe for that.



It will be for a short time however, as I’ll head back to Tucson soon after. I will spend January, and February and possibly March here, training hard and getting ready for 2019. The March time depends on my plans for 2019 and team set up…. This means that big news coming soon, I can’t say just yet, but soon you’ll find out. I’m excited for the new year and my riding so far.




Training here has felt amazing and I am feeling good with the time on the bike and off the bike also. I use my days to do exercises and strength work aswell as miles on the bike. This will continue into Santa Fe as it won’t be so warm, and gym time will be at a top priority and mountain biking too. But my body feels good and I am feeling great on the bike.





On more of a dietary note, I’ve also been doing a juice cleanse since I’ve been here.

And after your shock settles, I feel that juice cleanses get a bad reputation for how they are negatively represented. They come across as being a “starve yourself”, “lose weight fast” kind of diet, that I really disagree with. I have done juice cleanses in the past, and just like those instances, I am doing this as a cleanse for my body and a reboot for my digestive system and intestines. We bombard our bodies constantly with food that is difficult to digest and put it through so much work, that I figure why not give it a break and let my body restart as I myself am also restarting with this season from now. This is also the perfect time to do it, because I am in a lower point of my season and just building up again for training. So no hard workouts, or even workouts at all. I am just going out and riding about 3 hours a day and I feel great!!


In this past week I have done 5 days of just juice, and then 2 days of raw food, and now I will go through another 5 days of just juice, and then some more days of raw food to finish it off.  Right now I am on day 2 of the second round of juice. Then on Monday I will finish and head back to New Mexico for some Christmas turkey dinners.


Throughout this period of juicing, I have been well nutritioned and with plenty of vitamins from my local supplement sponsor Health Product Distributors.





They are really amazing and have kept me going strong through this cleanse, even with just a juice based diet. I still feel like I am getting stronger and fitter everyday. And yes, there is the benefit of losing weight as well. I arrived at 158lbs. and my goal is to get to 145lb. Which is my ideal race weight. So I am doing it gradually and very smart and professionally. I am feeling great and this really is a great reboot for my overall system and body.

Going forward I am optimistic of the future. I feel great in training and look forward to coming back in January for harder training!! I know I will get stronger and be fast next season. So hold on as more news to come

A BIGGGG shout out to my sponsors who have helped get me here!! To David and Mellowvelo who have hooked me up with this AMAZING Orbea bike that I am using now and will be using this year to train and race. To Health Product Distributors who keep me alive during this training “camp” with all your amazing supplements. And to everyone out there that has been so supportive of my career and training and racing.  To Dentistry for Kids in Santa Fe, who has helped me smile again and feel confident!!  THANK YOU!!