Ossola Sport

Irena Ossola – Dedication and Determination

New World

Ciao Everyone!

Sorry for the extreme delay in posting. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind since my last post about the Tri event.


In the fall of last year, I went to Europe to work as a tour guide in France and Italy. That was fun and a step away from real life in the USA. When I came back I spent the winter with high hours of WORK. I was teaching spin classes, and working at the local ski area so that I could get on the mountain a little and feel the snow again.


I spent the winter doing high hours of training for triathlon. I used spin classes to build my riding hours, then going for a run and gym work and swim after spin. I built up over about 2 months to a VERY high level of physical volume, and then about mid March, COVID life hit. All gyms closed, classes were canceled, and life became staying at home, leading online spin classes, and doing some very small private hiking to keep myself going. Life has changed incredibly from what it was before, and now it’s about seclusion and inventing a new lifestyle that is still fun and finding a passion toward something. Training for triathlon will continue, just at a different level at the moment. I am ok with a different focus, hiking is great and as it gets warmer, outside activities are keeping me healthy and fit.


We shall see how things progress, and this will pass.